Sunday, August 26, 2012

Fairview Medical Center, read this horror story and be ashamed!

Take a trip with me, dear reader, into the depths of shame. The shame belongs to Fairview Medical Center, a string of ignorant health workers and our medical system in general.

Our story begins with my friend Nancy, not her real name, a Phd candidate from a developing Asian country studying some pretty involved sciences in Minneapolis-St. Paul.

Nancy got hurt. As much as she loved being outdoors and playing sports, her back hurt real, real bad. So she went to Fairview for treatment, and after a horrendous surgical experience in the hospital, she can barely move. So she's quitting her Phd program and returning home, which is a loss to Minnesota's academic community and a loss to all those Minnesotans and Americans who would benefit from the highly specialized knowledge Nancy brings to her field.

But don't take my word for it. Here's my friend Nancy, in her own words to me via chat the other day:

Message 1:
I was pretty depressed and discussing it with you does help me. To be honest with you, although my physical is getting better, my mentally stage is getting no where. The first day, I couldn't stand >1 min. On the second day, all I could do was 2 mins, then yesterday, it was 3 mins, and today, well... we'll see after I see the specialist this afternoon. It was horribly painful. I scream so loud in the ER because both local anesthesia and the injected pain killer didn't work well (they rushed the procedure b4 the pain killer took effects due to the limited number of rooms and beds for the next patient).

Message 2:
miss home so... much
especially after that traumatic event in the ER
makes me hate U.S.'s health care systems
i was waiting for a bed to be available for 2-3 hours
n was rush to get out off the room almost right after they finished cutting me

Message 3:
Friday ER was worse than average hospitals in (my home country, which is a developing country)
sick, coughing people were laying down on the floor
only one Triad nurse to screen everyone, even though I had a referal
after screening I was wheelchaired back to wait again. no foods, no drinks because I couldn't walk

Message 4:
i had to ask a guy who came w his sick wife to find water for me
i was almost fainted since my first meal was 9 am.
i was dropped in front of the Triad (screening nurse) by Boynton, the U of M's clinic before 3 pm

Message 5:
I was screened at almost 4 pm
despite the fact that there was only one patient before me
the nurse were busy entering those required information into the Epic, fancy electronic medical record system, which i think it is a huge waste of time.
she had to focus more on the system instead of caring for patients

Message 6:
there were 5 patients after me before screening
after screening there were 10-12 people in the waiting area. many came alone just like me
waiting to be treated w no medical attention at all
there is a sign that the priority is for severe patients. although, it makes sense. patients who are waiting wouldn't be able to get in unless they pass out
because there is noone to check on them while they are waiting for screening
n this hospital claimed they are ranking #1 in many areas because they care
i don't think so
anyway, after screening (waiting for about an hour), despite the referral sheets from the nurse from the clinic who brought me and filled out a form for me, i had to wait for almost 2 hours for the bed/room to be available

Message 7:
i thought most people were more like me who had to come because most specialty clinics only work 8am-5pm M-F
my physician was not familiar w my case which i heard from my specialist later that he did his best by consulting the on-call specialist n w the resource he had
yet i consulted three specialists later n found out it was not the best treatment i could have
i'm ok w it now n understand my treatment options, partly because i'm a health professional myself, yet i can't imagine how terrify it would be for those w/o medical background
waiting in a crowed space to medical attention w coughing people laying down the floor
i meant waiting in a crowed space w/o medical attention next to coughing people laying down the floor
technology is supposed to help people work faster, not distancing and distracting providers from patients who deserved medical attention
U.S. health care systems invest so much on electronic medical records, but is this making it worse!!!
i was asked the many same questions more than three times for each, even though they were on my referral sheets.
n i have been their patient for years, went to the same ER twice since 2010. imagine how long would it take for the new patient w/o a company
in short, i think #1 worst was the understaffing to screen n taking care of patients while waiting, especially when they already know that each patient has to wait for at least a few hours
a few hours seem to be short for most people, but it was like forever for sick people
#2 worst is investing on objects (i.e., technology), but lack of realizing patients as a human/client/customer
#3 worst, the doctor has a very little to spend on each patient.

there were lots of nurses on the station that day, chatting, laughing, yet i was left alone in the room waiting forever
i really thiink some of those laughters should be out in the waiting room or helping out the one Triad/screening nurse to take care or deal w that Epic system
i heard some other patients said they may switch the insurance or hospital. they could have save their patients/customers if they have just one staff outside in the screen/waiting area
this was the third time I went to Fairview ER and it is getting worse every time, especially with the waiting time and process
i'd not go to Fairview if I have other options
please feel free to let me know if u need more info. i look forward to reading your blog.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Obama is to the right of Bush? So says Dr. Jill Stein, Green Party candidate

I'm halfway interested in seeing this new suspiciously-timed "documentary" called "2016: Obama's America," but I'm bracing for a lot of propaganda. We all know conservatives have their share of gripes with the president over problems he inherited from his predecessor -- 'hey, why isn't the economy perfect already?' -- but some of the titles the president gets called have no basis in reality. Socialist? Communist? Anti-gun? C'mon people, at least keep your criticisms in the realm of sane.

A few months ago, I got to meet Green Party presidential candidate Dr. Jill Stein, who hit the president from the left. She called Obama to the right of Bush in some respects. If I remember her criticisms correctly, here's a couple.

Anti-war liberals will note that more U.S. soldiers have died in Afghanistan in the past couple years than in all of the nine years before them combined. Obama's troop surge is a necessary evil, say some. The hardcore anti-war folks call it misguided, and whichever way you slice it, Obama has sent more troops into Afghanistan than Bush did (I think). Hey, Google it.

Gun control is not one of Obama's key priorities, despite all the silly rhetoric that came from Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachmann prior to the Obama election. They said Obama would take your guns away, and gun fans began stocking up on bullets. He hasn't touched guns, even after the shooting of Congresswoman Gabrielle Gifford in Tucson, but that hasn't quelled fears within the NRA.

Here's another way Obama has stood to the right of Bush: deportations. Yes, Obama recently made nice with Latinos by offering a kind of temporary amnesty to young people who were brought to the U.S. illegally as children, through no fault of their own. But before that, Obama had deported more immigrants in four years than Bush did in eight. Don't take my word for it. Google that shit.

I think there are other examples out there. I'm not praising or criticizing the president for any of the above decisions, but I would emphasize to conservatives -- stop painting the guy as an ultra-lefty. With important exceptions such as healthcare, he's been pretty darn conservative on some key issues.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

White guy sees too much black violence, black guy sees too much black violence, but....

Someone contacted me today to share an article he found in a New York publication about racial double standards ... According to the article, some (white?) politician in Baltimore pointed out the level of violence in black neighborhoods and got clobbered as a racist in the media, while a black politician in Philadelphia went into a church and asked his black peers to "stop the violence" and got nothing but positive press for essentially pointing out the same troubling trends.

Okay. Touche. Double standard. Agreed. I'm not familiar with either of these examples, but the article made a convincing point that white folks have a tough time pointing out concerns they have about problems in minority communities, while minority leaders get a high-five for holding prayer groups to "stop the violence."

But there's more to the story.

Yes, there is a disproportionate amount of violence in certain ethnic neighborhoods, including North Minneapolis, which is predominantly black, and that's a problem that needs to be addressed. At one point, North Minneapolis was host to something akin to a third of the homicides in the city, if I remember my stats right. A troubling trend, indeed, and not identifying that as a problem does no one any good.

There does need to be some leadership that says, "What's going on with young black men between the ages of 16 and 32 in urban areas, and how do we reach them?" I've spoken to state demographics folks about the numbers and the correlations are scary.

You can predict the percentage of young white males who will die this year in drunken driving accidents, hunting accidents or by suicide. You can predict the numbers of older black males who will fall victim this year to diabetes, or younger males who will die because of street violence. You can predict the number of Native Americans who will die of obesity-related diseases or alcohol-related conditions. I'm a realist. Rather than not see a correlation between a racial group and a life threatening problem, why not talk about it, fix it, and move on?

However, I think some of the defensiveness in communities of color comes from the fact that when a crowd of white kids gets into a fight, or there's a school shooting perpetrated by a white kid, or there's white collar crime, no one writes a story saying "white kid freaks out in school library" or "a white man named Bernie Madoff embezzled millions of dollars." Then, he's just a kid, or an embezzler, and his race is pretty much ignored. Only one group gets called out by race when there's wrongdoing. The media should be consistent, no?

The other problem is, to hear people talk, you'd think that if you set foot in an ethnic neighborhood you'd be shot and killed on the spot, and nothing could be further from the truth. There's a reason Bill Clinton bought an office space in Harlem. I know a married couple of attorneys -- blonde and blue-eyed, the both of them -- who bought a nice place in Harlem and are raising kids there. I've enjoyed a nice breakfast in a Harlem diner. Is there crime at night? You betcha. And by day, it's a pretty funky neighborhood and worth a visit.

North Minneapolis, which I mentioned earlier, has a nice little YMCA or YWCA (I can't remember which) where my girlfriend plays in a soccer league. Lake Street in Minneapolis, another ethnic neighborhood, has a fun destination called Midtown Global Market where plenty of upper middle class white folks go for brunch and jazz and chess. But to hear suburban folks talk, even some of my coworkers who live in St. Paul, their reaction is: "I have an appointment on Lake Street next week. Will I be safe? I've never been..."

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Pontypool -- Canadians revisit "The Crazies" a la Orson Welles

There's a whole genre of books and movies involving small town, everyday folks becoming infected with a disease that causes everyone but a handful of main characters to turn homicidal.

Often, these are zombie movies, but I think flicks such as 'The Crazies,' 'Tommyknockers' and 'Children of the Corn' also fit the bill. In the apocalypse, your worst enemy is the milkman... You've seen the drill: Farmer Bob's otherwise sweetnatured, grandmotherly wife decapitates him with hedge clippers, the good folks from American Gothic turn on each other and chase each other down the street with their pitchforks, the postman or Girl Scout cookie sales girl runs into the house to gnaw at your arm. Americana becomes an inverted caricature of itself. Creepy, no?

Well, about nine nights ago, seeking emotional refuge from a fight with my significant other, I lost myself in "Pontypool," an unusual Canadian film that found an interesting twist on the 'Homicide has gone viral' genre. The New York Times review is here. Almost all of the action aside from the opening scenes takes place inside of a small town's 3-man talk radio studio. You rarely see the infected townspeople.

Mostly, the radio station workers (a grizzled shock-jock style talk radio host, his exasperated female producer, and a young studio girl on the controls) just get reports from callers and their eye-in-the-sky news helicopter guy, who of course makes the mistake of landing the chopper at some point and hiding out in a silo. His panicky descriptions of the insanity he's witnessing are all phoned in.

There's a ton of death, but the audience sees only two fatalities throughout the entire flick. All the rest is called or radioed in and recounted, so you have to picture the killing for yourself.

Well, I liked this movie, but I could see how someone else would get bored stiff. Here's a spoiler: the way the infection gets transmitted... do you really want to keep reading? Are u sureeeee?? Well, ok words. Certain words are infected, but the infection seems to bounce from word to word. So the same word isn't necessarily infected for everyone. At least, I think that's how it works.

Someone says 'everyone is being killed!' And suddenly they're repeating the word killed over and over until they're crazy, and then bloodthirsty. How the infection works and how it gets cured aren't really fully fleshed out, which left me unsatisified but resigned... the characters never fully comprehend what's going on, so why should the audience?

The New York Times review makes accurate note of the pretension here (We're telling you something deep about language and media and... aw, no we're not. Bring on the zombies!) and picks up on the whole Orson Welles, 'War of the Worlds' parallel.

Orson drove half of America nuts when he delivered War of the Worlds via radio half a century ago; people were so naive and fresh to media back then, they figured the alien invasion he was documenting must be true! Anyhow, I was mostly impressed that 'Pontypool' could keep me interested while telling rather than showing, and left my ears to translate pictures of this infected town to my head. It also helped me cool-down after my to-do with my girlfriend. I'd suggest it to fans of the 'small town turns crazy' genre, but not to everyone.

Your scary movie fan signing out!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Wall Street Journal reporter's mom loves the Olive Garden

This story is great ... an 85-year-old grandma has been "reviewing" restaurants for the Grand Forks Herald in North Dakota, including such gems as Applebees, Taco Bell and KFC. The other day, she wrote a glowing review of what she called the largest, most beautiful new restaurant in town: the Olive Garden.

It turns out Marilyn Hagerty had one bowl of pasta and a glass of water, declining the lemonade. Her review is like a play-by-play of her lunch outing.

It's also "gone viral," generating some 290,000 hits on the paper's website. (The next most well-read story on the site drew 5,000 or so hits.) Predictably, some blogs and haters are taking her to town for writing about the mundane eatery down the street in anything but their own snarky, condescending fashion.

Let the haters hate. I'm all for grandma, for lots of different reasons. It turns out she's the widow of the former newspaper editor, and the mother of a Wall Street Journal reporter. She didn't raise no slouch.

She's also been doing this for years -- critiquing local eateries that a frugal, 85-year-old woman might actually enjoy, as opposed to some bullshit haute cuisine that no one but a 1-percenter could actually afford during a recession. And when I say years, I mean she's been with the paper six decades, according to this AP piece, which is the most thorough and best-written of all the coverage I've seen of her Olive Garden expose online.

But there's another reason for me to love Grandma Hagerty. While young folks are flocking online, it's the 40-and-older crowd (if not the 70-and-older crowd) that is keeping print circulation afloat. And print subsidizes online coverage alot more than online subsidizes print, at least for now. (Old folks, to my knowledge, are the fastest growing section of the American population. Let's hope they all get newspaper subscriptions, fast, or print is a goner.)

In other words, her loyal following of frugal, octogenarian, Taco Bell-eating print readers provides the salary for the more skeptical, critical-thinking, self-fashioned "elite" reporters digging through public documents for their next big scoop.

You StateHouse reporters and public events bloggers think you're where the action is, but your front page or local section "expose" is just the accident these readers trip across on their way to her restaurant 'reviews.' (I put 'reviews' in quote marks because she admits that if she doesn't like a restaurant, she doesn't write anything. Good old grandma!)

Newspapers, in the past 10 years, have adopted the mantra "local-local" to describe their eagerness to corner a market the New York Times and Wall Street Journal can't, which involves printing hyper-local news, like what's on the school lunch menu.

The problem is, it doesn't work. There's no room in the shrinking print edition of your daily newspaper to report on every old pothole, every new park bench and every change to the school lunch menu in your entire coverage area, and there's fewer bodies in the newsroom to pull that mundane crap together. It seems hardly worth the effort, especially if you're at a statewide paper known for its investigative work, like the Star Tribune, which does "local-local" worse than any paper I've ever seen.

But newspaper readers are typically older propertyowners with kids who want to know about things that will impact their property values, tie up traffic, inspire them to switch school districts or otherwise waste their tax dollars. So if a McDonalds is opening up down the street and traffic is going to be a bear, they want to know that. If that McDonalds is super sketchy and the kids behind the counter pick their nose and pocket your change, they want to know that, too.

Weekly newspapers tend to do this kind of coverage quite well. They're at the Planning Commission meetings and leafing through the business license requests and the zoning variances -- the kind of stuff the big boy newspapers often can't be bothered with.

How can print dailies compete with the weeklies without looking picayunne? They can contract community voices like Grandma Hagerty to do that kind of pothole coverage reporting for them -- "Mcdonalds has opened up downtown! What's the deal with all the broken parking meters? That new playground is perfect for my grandkids!" -- which would allow their core staff to focus on the bigger stories.

That's just my two cents.

Monday, February 27, 2012

West Side Story and 'When the gun goes bang bang bang, who's going to know who's the one?'

I finally watched the video for the New Orleans duo the Knux ... "Bang! Bang!" ... which is a lot 'cleaner' than the version of the song I'm used to, but worth watching all the same, especially if you're a fan of West Side Story.

Here's the video.

I remember buying this album a couple of years ago and thinking "Bang, Bang!" the one song I was familiar with, was the only song I really enjoyed, but I have to give the album a better listen. This song, in my humble opinion, is spectacular, even though I can only make sense of every third sentence or so.

The gist of it, from what I can tell, is that this rock-rap duo are remembering their mispent youth, as every rapper from JayZ to Pit Bull to Fifty Cent tends to do, and kind of poking fun at all the tough-guy bullshit they had to put up with in the 'hood, and some of the shenanigans they dealt out themselves, like "jackin' them cars."

They go on to say they "flipped the script" on the gangster lifestyle and found a higher calling, despite their poverty:

"I don't wan' sound like a hypocrite, but momma raised me for greatness,
but we broke as fuck and hope is stuck and New Orleans defines the cage"

Here's another one of my favorite lines:

"Where they mommas at, where they mommas at? Nobody knows, nobody cares. To claim your hard, come go through the ward,come fuck with them,when nobody dares."

Given the subject matter, West Side Story was an inspired choice for the video, and the execution was spot on.

Here's the fully lyrics courtesy of Metro Lyrics, though I doubt whoever transcribed this understood each and every word verbatim:

When the gun goes bang bang bang, who's gonna know who's the one? No, nobody knows.When the gun goes bang bang bang, who's gonna know who's the one? No, nobody knows.

Takin' it back to 94, when niggas was dealin' the finest soul,
Crack the hit then fucked it up, and baby gangstas was full of they cluck.
Pluck the feathers up off the duck, you stuck like chuck if carried the banter

Pistol player knuckled up, then better to telling the children to scatter
Everyone knows don't fuck with them ho's drinking with keisha from out they yo
Full of that clearly pop a silly when niggas first heard the choppers city
And I was a dancin' b-boy who resorted to slinging them heat boys

And jackin' them cars, mackin' them broads, sadistic shit, then flipped the script.
I don't wan' sound like a hypocrite, but momma raised me for greatness,
but we broke as fuck and hope is stuck and New Orleans defines the cage hits

The animal house like getting out like takin' food from a animals mouth,roar roar like the dungeon dragon, takin' it back to the cannibals house

When the gun goes bang bang bang, who's gonna know who's the one? No, no nobody knows. When the gun goes bang bang bang, who's gonna know who's the one?

No, no nobody knows.

I'm from a place you couldn't imagine, beautiful women some Creole with ass

Them niggas are hazards, we bitchin' they crabbin', and changin lanes like benjamin massing
From 10 to 12 they thinkin' it's cool, something awful when they aint in the mood.

Don't get 'em bent, fuck that innocence, cause in a sense they film as you.
Where they mommas at, where they mommas at? Nobody knows, nobody cares. To claim your hard, come go through the ward,come fuck with them,when nobody dares

Your job, yes, ya ho-jocker, put that pop on you like Redenbacher
The things they say, the slang they use, catching kung fu while they bangin' the tools.

When the gun goes bang bang bang, who's gonna know the one? No, nobody knows.When the gun goes bang bang bang, who's gonna know the one? No, nobody knows.

Even when it's cold outside 'round here. It's a 100 degrees, I keep the heat around here.It's when you least expect it, people creep up from the rear,it's racking my brain cannot contain my fear.

'Cause even when it's cold outside 'round here. It's a 100 degrees, I keep the heat around here.It's when you least expect it, people creep up from the rear,it's racking my brain cannot contain my fear.

Copied from

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Actresses I could do without / Demi Moore's half-brother beats woman in head with telephone book

This just in from the U.K.'s Daily Mail: Demi Moore's half-brother is a Texas lunatic who once used a telephone book to beat his fiancee in the head for an hour.

Don't take my word for it. The story is here.

He's serving a 10 year jail sentence. Yikes.

The article says it's unclear how close he is to Demi Moore, even though they share the same father. It's not difficult to drop your seed left and right, so "half-brother" can mean anything ... a product of a one-night stand, for instance. But part of me isn't surprised that her blood relative is a yucky yuckster.

Demi Moore is toward the top of the list of celebrity females I could do without. You know you have your own list going -- people who are famous and celebrated for their beauty that just leave you cold. Like, "She's famous?? Why??"

She's all skeleton bones and angular jaw and her characters are always pissy and manly and conniving and bitchy. Demi Moore as G.I. Jane, a female Marine, tougher than the tough guys... Demi Moore as a corporate executive, tougher than the tough guys... That's not attractive to me, sorry.

My list would include Demi Moore, Kirsten Dunst, and Snoop Dogg. Snoop is not an actress but I dislike him so much I'm going to put him on my list anyway. The guy looks like something sleazy that just crawled out of jail. When people say, "Our young men have no rolemodels except the negative ones they find in rap music," I envision Snoop as the person they are talking about. And I kinda like rap (not all of it, but some of it.).

What actresses would be on your list of celebrity women who really shouldn't be celebrities? My girlfriend just said "Jennifer Aniston." I think Aniston is severely over-rated (sexiest woman alive? no way) but still kind of cute and well-meaning while being boring. She plays the same character over and over but so do most celebrities, so I forgive her. She is not on my list. I'm sure she's relieved.