Monday, February 26, 2007

Six Haikus About Failing and Being Dumped

She and I used to write poems in bed < Bidgmancantleave > 02/02 16:46:14

side by side, or on
the phone, into the sweet void
thinking she heard me

Wishing I were a better man, oh my lord, my lord < ThisiswhatIhave > 02/25 22:31:09

Then rising prayers
Would not leak condemnation
Down, down upon me


The little I've offered < Thisiswhathave > 02/25 22:26:26

Opening my hand
Hoping world does not reject
Little I've offered

One last poem before I leave work < BidgmaninMinneapolis > 02/02 16:43:12

Messy desk, always
Dark night in January
She dumped me last month
Dumped on my birthday < bidgman > 02/02 16:30:01

Her timing sucked ass
Inevitable anger
Hating loving her
Dumped on my birthday II < Bidgmanagain > 02/02 16:39:25

When its over I
say its not over I say
take me back please please